
How To Build Immunity Against Covid-19

Covid-19 affects people differently. If two people live together and one of them contacts covid, the other person will be affected as well. However, they will likely experience different symptoms based on their immune system. The immune system is a combination of cells and proteins in our bodies, which fight against all kinds of infectious pathogens. If any germ enters your body, the immune system defeats it and memorizes it. If your body contacts that germ again, your antibodies will destroy it right away. Everyone has an innate immunity (the body’s natural defensive system that we’ve had since birth). Covid-19 is a Global pandemic that caused an unfortunate fate for countless people with weak immunities. There are many reliable Covid-19 testing labs in Houston , where you can get results within the same day. It generally takes weeks to build your immunity after being exposed to Covid-19, but here are some tips that may help you get back on your feet faster than you may have expec

How Exactly Does COVID-19 Cause Hypoxia?

It is no secret that the effects of the novel COVID-19 are still unfolding. It is because scientists are still engaged in research of the deadly coronavirus. One of its effects that the researchers have been able to uncover is silent hypoxia. That’s right! According to a spokesperson from the top COVID-19 testing laboratory in Chinatown, silent hypoxia is a serious healthcare issue. This happens because coronavirus attacks your respiratory system. When your respiratory system is damaged, developing hypoxia is possible. And trust us, it is as bad as it sounds because it is a life-threatening illness. To know about silent hypoxia in relation to COVID-19 we spoke to a vaccine expert. The expert was from the Texas Diagnostics Laboratories . This is the best diagnostics center in Houston. It also offers guaranteed results in 24 hours. ●        What Exactly is Silent Hypoxia?   Hypoxia is a state in which the oxygen levels in the tissues of your body drop low. Let’s suppose that you

Difference Between Bacterial and Viral Infections

  Viruses and bacteria are responsible for the most common infections in the world. However, people seldom understand the difference between the two. To explain the difference to you all, we talked to a vaccine expert. The expert was from Texas Diagnostics Laboratories , the best COVID-19 testing for Turkish Airlines. It is the top HoustonDiagnostics Lab near you. ●        Bacteria vs. Virus – Definitions   Bacteria refer to tiny microorganisms. They are mainly made up of a single cell. Bacteria can possibly have large variations in their structures and shapes. Bacteria hold the capacity to thrive in our outside human body. Research shows that there are only a number of bacteria that cause infections. Such bacteria are classified as pathogenic bacteria.   In comparison to bacteria, viruses are also microorganisms. However, they have sizer even smaller than bacteria. The nature of the viruses is parasitic. By this, we mean that viruses require living tissues and cells to

5 Ways COVID-19 Has Changed the World

2020 came with lots of surprises for the world, which all narrowed down to the COVID-19 virus. In over a 100 years, COVID-19 is considered to be the worst pandemic witnessed. Due to it, there are more than 75 million cases worldwide. In addition to this, 1.6 million people have lost their lives because of it. Every aspect of every person’s life has been affected because of this deadly virus. Experts from a Houston Diagnostic Lab believe that this virus has “changed us for good”. By this, the experts mean that the changes we have adapted to in such a short time are long-term. That’s because these changes have become a big part of lifestyle. We talked to an expert from one of the COVID-19 Testing Labs in Houston about these changes. And he was able to tell us about some of the lifestyle changes that have occurred. Especially after the pandemic. Here are some of these explained briefly: A Tiny But Important Wardrobe Addition   A new addition in our wardrobes was observed du

4 Essential Facts You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines

  If you’re here, then there is a possibility that you might have heard COVID-19 myths. And if not, let us tell you that the internet is filled with them. The whole world prayed that we get a COVID-19 vaccine. But now that it is here, many are hesitant. Many of you mightn’t believe us but it’s actually true. We found about four important essential facts to diffuse these myths by talking to an expert. A representative from the best COVID-19 testing laboratory in Chinatown helped us. He discussed four facts that can debunk the myths about COVID-19 vaccines. Tip : To get an affordable diagnostic laboratory in Chinatown, contact Texas Diagnostics Laboratories today! Fact 1: COVID-19 Vaccine Has No Effect on the Fertility of the Recipient!   Some time ago a fake report surfaced on the internet. On social media, a report was being shared that showed that the vaccine was not good. Especially for the women that were pregnant. Further, the report discussed that the fertility

Are Smokers More Sensitive to COVID-19?

  Tobacco is a well-known enemy of lungs. According to WHO , tobacco is responsible for causing 8 million deaths globally. Serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease are caused due to tobacco. An infectious disease expert from COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Chinatown confirmed that COVID-19 can be pretty dangerous for smokers. However, it is not confirmed whether smokers are more prone to COVID-19 or not. ·          What do past studies say about the correlation between smoking and COVID-19?   The past studies don’t show any correlation between COVID-19 and smoking. However, researchers believe that an in-depth study must be done to locate any correlation.   An interview with a vaccine expert from a COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Chinatown for this article also showed that there has been no in-depth analysis in the past on the subject of COVID-19. ·          Is it more dangerous for smokers to catch COVID-19? A cardiologist from Smidt

COVID-19 Isn't Over: Here’s How to Remain Safe

  People are roaming around the town thinking the danger is not noticing them. But my dear friend, the monster is still here. It is very important to keep yourself inside the house or you will be eaten by it too. Wait, no need to over think. It’s easy. The foremost important thing that you need to know is that coronavirus is not over. So, if you feel any of the symptoms that I’m going to list down, go to the corona testing lab and get yourself tested. Following are the common symptoms which can or cannot be of having coronavirus:               ●        If you are feeling tired and dizzy, it might be a signal towards COVID-19 ●        Having a sore throat with dry cough is a very obvious sign of coronavirus. Even if it’s the season of flue and cough, it’s better to get tested or at least take care of yourself ●        Fever and having chills are a very common sign of corona. If you see someone around you with non-seasonal fever, quarantine them immediately until the get tested