5 Ways COVID-19 Has Changed the World

2020 came with lots of surprises for the world, which all narrowed down to the COVID-19 virus. In over a 100 years, COVID-19 is considered to be the worst pandemic witnessed. Due to it, there are more than 75 million cases worldwide. In addition to this, 1.6 million people have lost their lives because of it. Every aspect of every person’s life has been affected because of this deadly virus. Experts from a Houston Diagnostic Lab believe that this virus has “changed us for good”.

By this, the experts mean that the changes we have adapted to in such a short time are long-term. That’s because these changes have become a big part of lifestyle. We talked to an expert from one of the COVID-19 Testing Labs in Houston about these changes. And he was able to tell us about some of the lifestyle changes that have occurred. Especially after the pandemic. Here are some of these explained briefly:

  1. A Tiny But Important Wardrobe Addition 

A new addition in our wardrobes was observed during the pandemic. It was none other than a small piece of cloth i.e. a mask. At the start of the pandemic, it was really hard to find one of these because they went out of stock.


Or their prices went up the hill. However, as we got a hang of the pandemic, we were able to make the masks in just enough capacity. Now, everywhere you go, people are wearing it.


There are fashion brands that customize masks made out of digitally printed cloth. Many brands offered them so the masks would match the outfits of the ones wearing it. This is how masks became an important part of our daily wear.


  1. An Uncalled-For Anxiety and Depression!

None of us knew that we’d come out with some serious mental issues after the pandemic. While the pandemic isn’t over yet, there are people across the world that have some serious anxiety and depression.

Reasons? Staying locked up in a house with nowhere to go. There were marginalized families that had to stay home with financial worries. That’s right! More than the pandemic, people were worried about dying from hunger. This led to some bad mental health effects. Two of the most common ones were anxiety and depression.

  1. Heavy Consumption of Alcohol!

While the virus was spreading, people took refuge in toxic solutions. One of these temporary solutions was alcohol consumption.

Women, specifically, were found to resort to heavy drinking during the lockdown in 2020 in the US. The increase in alcohol purchase was the first indicator of this issue.

  1. Eateries and Bistros Established New Safety Policies!

While talking to the experts from the best Houston Diagnostics lab, we found the following:


-          The COVID-19 SOPs that are now being followed by restaurants have raised the expectations of the customers.

-          After the pandemic is over, these expectations might stay around.

-          Restaurants will continue to offer sanitizers and masks as they only impose better standards of cleanliness.

  1. Rumors That Are Deadlier Than the Virus Itself!

Over the course of 2020, there were many rumors that emerged. These rumors showed that people become gullible during sensitive times. There was this one rumor where it was believed that drinking bleach can cure the virus.

Rumors like these proved to be fatal for many. This is why people have certainly become more cautious during the pandemic. Social media has helped in raising awareness with experts debunking these myths.


So, after the pandemic, a more educated population will emerge.


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