4 Essential Facts You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines

 If you’re here, then there is a possibility that you might have heard COVID-19 myths. And if not, let us tell you that the internet is filled with them.

The whole world prayed that we get a COVID-19 vaccine. But now that it is here, many are hesitant. Many of you mightn’t believe us but it’s actually true. We found about four important essential facts to diffuse these myths by talking to an expert. A representative from the best COVID-19 testing laboratory in Chinatown helped us. He discussed four facts that can debunk the myths about COVID-19 vaccines.

Tip: To get an affordable diagnostic laboratory in Chinatown, contact Texas Diagnostics Laboratories today!

  1. Fact 1: COVID-19 Vaccine Has No Effect on the Fertility of the Recipient!


Some time ago a fake report surfaced on the internet. On social media, a report was being shared that showed that the vaccine was not good. Especially for the women that were pregnant. Further, the report discussed that the fertility of both men and women was in danger as a result of the vaccine. This put the world in a state of doubt about the vaccine.


The vaccine has only one job. It gives instructions for production of copies of spike proteins. These proteins are found on the surface of the coronavirus. This strategy helps the immune system store memories about the defense. This way, when the virus actually attacks the recipient, the immune system fights well.


That’s the only job that a COVID-19 vaccine has. Besides this, it does not affect your body in any way. In case you feel feverish, that just means that the vaccine is working.


  1. Fact 2: You Should Still Consider Getting Vaccinated After Recovering from COVID-19


Studies show that immunity from the COVID-19 infection might not last for long. With a virus as dangerous as coronavirus you need permanent immunity. Or at least immunity that lasts for a longer period of time.


Research done so far shows that immunity after recovery can last for 8 months. This is a short period and thus, you need to be sure that you won’t get infected again.


  1. Fact 3: COVID-19 Vaccines are Effective and Don’t Have Any Life-Threatening Effects!


There are two vaccines that are upto 95% effective. These vaccines are Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech. The methodology behind these two vaccines has been under process for long. This is why the method they are based on is very in-depth.


The process of making the vaccine was pretty long. And thus, the researchers took their time with its development. This is why the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines reached the clinical trial stage. And now, millions across the world are getting vaccinated with it.


  1. Fact 4: Even If You Have Been Vaccinated, You Need to Practice Precautions!


This is because you might still be the carrier of the virus. So, you can possibly transmit to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet. This is why it is important that you fulfill your responsibility as an adult.


You should practice precautions and do the following:


1.      Wear a mask in public

2.      Sanitize or wash your hands regularly throughout the day

3.      Refrain from going to crowded places

4.      Don’t shake hands with another person

So even if you don’t get sick, you can possibly get someone sick with the virus. In your family or friends if someone isn’t following the precautions then you should advise them.


To get yourself tested at the best COVID-19 testing laboratory in Chinatown, contact Texas Diagnostics Laboratories today! They are the top diagnostic laboratory in Chinatown.








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