COVID-19 Isn't Over: Here’s How to Remain Safe


People are roaming around the town thinking the danger is not noticing them. But my dear friend, the monster is still here. It is very important to keep yourself inside the house or you will be eaten by it too. Wait, no need to over think. It’s easy.

The foremost important thing that you need to know is that coronavirus is not over. So, if you feel any of the symptoms that I’m going to list down, go to the corona testing lab and get yourself tested. Following are the common symptoms which can or cannot be of having coronavirus:

                    If you are feeling tired and dizzy, it might be a signal towards COVID-19

       Having a sore throat with dry cough is a very obvious sign of coronavirus. Even if it’s the season of flue and cough, it’s better to get tested or at least take care of yourself

       Fever and having chills are a very common sign of corona. If you see someone around you with non-seasonal fever, quarantine them immediately until the get tested

       Loss of taste and smell is the most obvious and confirmed symptom of having corona.

Above mentioned symptoms are obvious and might be common or seasonal.  But people do have reported some serious and unusual symptoms of having corona. Here are some severe symptoms that need to be noticed at any cost.

The unusual symptoms include:

       There can be aches and pains at uncertain points in your body

       It might sound weird but diarrhoea is also a symptom of coronavirus

       If you find an unusual rash on your skin, or discoloration of fingers and toes, unfortunately it can be coronavirus

       If you are having panadol on a daily basis because of a headache, immediately get tested. It is an uncommon symptom of having corona which people do not notice

Moreover, if you feel difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath, do not consider it a smog effect if you are not an asthmatic patient. It is an obvious sign of coronavirus. Plus if you get chest pain or feel pressure in the chest, do not take it easy. Loss of speech or movement can also be a sign of having a monster. So now you know all the symptoms of COVID-19, let’s move to the treatment and sources of testing labs. Sharing my personal experience, COVID-19 is a deadly monster. 

How I Overcome COVID-19

I was suffering from a sore throat and could not breath . But because I had a lot of drink on my friend’s ceremony, I thought it might be its effect. Despite of taking medication, it was going worst day by day. I quarantined myself and immediately went to a nearby corona testing Lab In Chinatown Houston. Their service was fast and I got my results in the evening. I tested positive for COVID-19. It was panicking for me but I had to control my nerves.

I could not rely on one report so I got tested from another corona testing lab as well. But the report was two-three days late. So, I had to maintain social distance on the basis of the report I got from the corona testing lab in Chinatown Houston. I took care of my family members and completely quarantined myself. All the family members wore masks and used sanitizers. We all got tested but luckily they all were safe and sound. Because of taking precautionary measurements and good healthy food, I recovered within two weeks. 

How To Remain Safe

If you want this monster not to notice you, start wearing masks and use sanitizers. Until unless COVId-19 ends, do not hug anyone. Do not shake hands or share food with anyone. Stay at home and go for work from home. Stay away, stay safe!


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