Are Smokers More Sensitive to COVID-19?

 Tobacco is a well-known enemy of lungs. According to WHO, tobacco is responsible for causing 8 million deaths globally. Serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease are caused due to tobacco.

An infectious disease expert from COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Chinatown confirmed that COVID-19 can be pretty dangerous for smokers. However, it is not confirmed whether smokers are more prone to COVID-19 or not.

·         What do past studies say about the correlation between smoking and COVID-19?

 The past studies don’t show any correlation between COVID-19 and smoking. However, researchers believe that an in-depth study must be done to locate any correlation.

 An interview with a vaccine expert from a COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Chinatown for this article also showed that there has been no in-depth analysis in the past on the subject of COVID-19.

·        Is it more dangerous for smokers to catch COVID-19?

A cardiologist from Smidt Heart Institute, Dr. Joseph E. Ebinger, MD, explained in an interview that smoking already has deadly risk factor.

For example, my friend developed lung cancer even though she was a passive smoker. Besides this, smokers usually have a 10 to 15% chance of getting lung cancer. 

Since COVID-19 attacks lungs, smokers have an additional danger hanging over their heads.

A study published by WHO in May 2020 showed that observational research has proved that 1.4 to 18.5% smokers have been hospitalized for Coronavirus.

Even in China, where the virus originally emerged from, a significant portion of smokers ended up in critical condition after catching COVID-19 

·         Mortality Rate of Smokers with COVID-19

 This has been a huge concern on part of the public. Researchers have been working to find the death rate of smokers diagnosed with COVID-19.

 Important: If you have a developed Coronavirus symptoms, you should get tested from the nearest from COVID-19 testing laboratory. It is not just about you. The people around you need to be safe as well.

There have been multiple meta-analytical studies on this subject. These studies have showed that smokers with COVID-19 were admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) more frequently than others.

 It must be noted that there has been no solid proof that the death rate is more for smokers. However, doctors do advise smokers to take more precautions. Especially, they are advised to work on their immune system so their sensitivity towards COVID-19 lessens.

·        Reactions of Smokers

After hearing news of this study, it has been harder for smokers. Why? That’s because smokers usually smoke to relieve stress and anxiety.

During a discussion on this subject with a doctor in a COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Chinatown, I found that people vape or smoke to get rid of stress.

 This is why it has been harder for smokers to quit. There have been economic crises across the world, which has certainly increased the smoking habits of people.

 One of my friends used to have only two cigarettes a day. During the pandemic, she lost her job. This led her to smoke even more.

 This is what experts have noticed through observational studies.

·         Any Help for Smokers? 

Even if smokers think that there is not enough time for them to quit, they should. To assist this process, there are many rehabilitation programs that smokers can join to help.

Prior to going to rehab, using a nicotine patch or one’s own willpower should be tried.

It is possible that you might be able to quit smoking on your own, as many people have successfully quit smoking in the past without any rehab.

If you are unsure, you can consult your doctor on the subject, and they might be able to guide you in a better way.


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