Difference Between Bacterial and Viral Infections

 Viruses and bacteria are responsible for the most common infections in the world. However, people seldom understand the difference between the two. To explain the difference to you all, we talked to a vaccine expert. The expert was from Texas Diagnostics Laboratories, the best COVID-19 testing for Turkish Airlines. It is the top HoustonDiagnostics Lab near you.

       Bacteria vs. Virus – Definitions


Bacteria refer to tiny microorganisms. They are mainly made up of a single cell. Bacteria can possibly have large variations in their structures and shapes. Bacteria hold the capacity to thrive in our outside human body. Research shows that there are only a number of bacteria that cause infections. Such bacteria are classified as pathogenic bacteria.


In comparison to bacteria, viruses are also microorganisms. However, they have sizer even smaller than bacteria. The nature of the viruses is parasitic. By this, we mean that viruses require living tissues and cells to be able to grow. Viruses invade your body and use your cells to grow. Hence, if your body is attacked by a virus, it will use your body cells and replicate.


This replication is what we refer to as ‘infection’. And that is how the spread of infection occurs throughout your body.


       What is the process through which bacterial infections spread?


There are many bacterial infections that have a contagious nature. Here are some of the most common ways bacterial infections occur:


1.      A person who has a bacterial infection comes in direct contact with you. It can be through touching or kissing.


2.      The body fluids of an infected person come in contact with your body. For example, through sexual contact, sneezing, and coughing.


3.      During pregnancy or birth, the bacterial infection travels from the mother to the child. It is possible that during breastfeeding the child contracts the infection.

4.      In case a surface is contaminated with a virus, and you touch it, you can get the virus. Let’s suppose that there is a doorknob, and it has the virus. You touch and then you touch your face, mouth, and nose. The bacterial infection ends up travelling to your body.


       What are the most common bacterial infections?


While there are a ton of bacterial infections, here are some of the most common ones:


1.      Urinary tract infection (UTI)

2.      Strep throat

3.      Tuberculosis

4.      Gonorrhea

5.      Bacterial food poisoning

6.      Tetanus

7.      Lyme disease

8.      Bacterial meningitis


       How exactly are viral infections transmitted from one person to another?


To find the answer to this question we talked to the best Houston Diagnostics Lab. Here are some ways viral infections are transmitted person to person:


1.      Coming into close contact with a person who has a viral infection.

2.      From a mother to a child, during pregnancy or birth the viral infection is transmitted.

3.      Coming in contact with contaminated surfaces can also lead to viral infections in you.

As it can be seen, bacterial and viral infections spread in almost the same ways.

       What are the most common viral infections?


Here are some of the most common viral infections:


1.      Common gold

2.      Influenza

3.      Measles

4.      Warts

5.      Viral gastroenteritis

6.      Zika virus

7.      West Nile virus

8.      COVID-19 

Out of these, COVID-19 is also caused by a virus. The symptoms it include are:

-          Shortness of breath

-          Dry cough

-          Fever

In case you feel that you have any of the mentioned infections, bacterial or viral, you should contact your nearest Diagnostics Lab. One such lab near you in Houston is Texas Diagnostics Laboratories. It is the best when it comes to offering fast and accurate test results.


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